Wednesday, January 12, 2011

More Psychology Kind Of ;; YouTube Videos

At the moment I'm at Sleeping Beauty's house. She's not too far away doing homework, not cleaning her room like she's suppose to. I hope she read this later. I'm sure she will if I prompt her.

Today in Psychology (well a few days ago but this makes me sound like I'm caught up on everything), we did as we usually do and I had troubles relating it to Psychology, but it was fun. We looked over a few videos on the list of the top fifty Youtube videos. I'm not sure how they were selected, I believe it was according to popularity. We were instructed to pick three or so videos and discuss them.

Of these videos, I selected Daft Hands, Where the Hell is Matt?, and LED Sheep; all for various reasons.

First of all, Daft Hands. I can admit I picked this video for the music more than the actual video. If it was the same idea applied to music I don't like, I would of probably picked another one of the amazing videos in the list of top fifty Youtube videos. I'm a Daft Punk fan. I don't listen to them as much as I use to however when I hear their music it will always catch my attention. As for the video itself, it should be viewed to understand fully. Even if you don't have audio, even if you have to wait for it to buffer because your computer doesn't like Youtube much, even if you despise any music that resembles any house genrés; this should be viewed.

The substance of the video features someone's hands which have the words from Harder Better Faster Stronger by Daft Punk, a fairly simple set of lyrics but I enjoy them, and the words are shown in time to the lyrics. This may not sound like a very impressive feat although considering many of the words are broken up over both hands (such as -er being on the right hand that requires the individual to close their hands together at the proper times) and even though there are few words the margin for error is great, it's done perfectly. I have not watched this video for a while, in class we only watched a couple minutes starting near the middle and when calling up the URL to link to it I only listened to the music, but I recall it being performed perfectly.

It may be difficult to remember the lyrics at first, let alone have them so well known that you can recite them according to the location you have written them onto your hand. This video has caught my attention with the music, although what makes it special is how complex it appears to be. If you want something a bit more complex though, type in Daft Hands Technologic into the search bar next time you're on Youtube.

Next up is Where The Hell Is Matt? I dislike this video. That is all I have to say about it.

Well that was a hollow bluff. I have reason to my disliking of this video along with a small rant. As for the individual in the video, I think he may have a stroke of genius (or a stroke of luck) hidden up in his dancing mind. He has gotten sponsored to go all around the world just to dance and advertise (I think he has a deal with Stride gum? I could be wrong), just because he can do a silly dance. Props to him for this, but why he is famous is what grinds my gears a bit.

I understand there is an aspect of any group activity will get attention, and if something happens all around the world it will also gain some followers. This is a great idea in some aspects: it takes something interesting and then interests many people in doing so, it is something anyone can do, it is easy to do, and it is a relatively original idea (these may not be the exact parameters for what I am about to link to, but have any of you ever heard of Pogopalooza?); although there is an overwhelming aspect of stupid in my opinion.

I see someone doing a silly dance, doing something that takes very limited ability and very little thought, and getting famous for it. He's payed to travel and dance! That sounds great for the dancer, but for all of you corporate sponsors who have shown interest in him... well I think you could of thought of that yourself and payed less for it.

This is just my opinion, though I hope others may have kindred thoughts towards this, but if you become famous it should be for a better reason. Great skill, a great accomplishment, or be a (future) historical figure may deserve fame. Silly dancing does not. This leaves me with only one question that I will answer myself, before anyone else gets the chance to do so (Hey guess what!?! Don't guess, I'll tell you).

Humans like stupidity. We enjoy others being ridiculous, demonstrating great acts of unintelligent, even falling down is kind of amusing. I'm not sure why this is, but we seem to find pleasure out of the cute, silly, and ignorant. Popular television is saturated with it, online video sites such as Youtube will get millions of hits on videos that are posted just so we can laugh at them. I enjoy them, but I just don't like this one.

Where The Hell Is Matt? Where ever he's payed to dance.

This last video has a clever name along with an amazing concept. Lets dress some sheep up with light and heard them in creative shapes. Not all of the shapes are creative, they're rather expected actually, but enjoyable still. This is a fresh idea far as I know. I've never seen anything like this before except in one scene of Disney Pixar's Finding Nemo featuring some fish.

Blah blah blah, me me blah, blah blah blah blah me me nee. 0:47 if you want to skip to the good part of the video.

After watching the video I was struck by a moment of realization. Sheep are very easy to heard, they are rather dependant on having a non-sheep leader to avoid falling upside down in the middle of roads where they don't know they are going to be hit by the car that is blazing towards them. Their intelligence may be a bit more advanced than what I have described, but they are not very smart. They are nature's ultimate blind followers, which makes them great for this idea.

The dogs in the video are even more amazing than the sheep. The sheep are just the colours and light of the picture in this. The dogs are who are doing the work. I think they may be even more important than the humans arranging this all. The dogs drive the sheep into the correct formations, and make sure they stay in it. I have no idea how they know what the shape should be, but there is no doubt they cannot make any shape desired. Perhaps making hollow shapes may be difficult, but making an old-school game board with stationary and animated aspects is done amazingly well. I don't want to give it away, in case you have not watched the video, but it is the best display of the game that is being displayed that I have ever seen. Even better than my favorite Pixar movie; no, not Finding Nemo. Captain Nemo's name has done nothing to deserve such ridicule.

This video was made well and the music is not bad from what I remember; it has an intelligent, unique idea; and it features glowing, lovable mammals. It's great.

If you don't watch the videos I've mentioned you are only depriving yourself from a few minutes of entertainment. If you do watch the videos, post your comments. I would love to get some opinions.


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