This will be the second post, that I have posted today, that is for my psychology class. This topic this time, is Mirror Neurons.
I first learned about Mirror Neurons from the RSA Animate video about Empathy. If you ever get a chance to do so, watch some RSA Animate videos. They are amazing. Almost amazing enough for me to bold the word amazing. Their YouTube channel has 300+ videos. I can guarantee you will find something that will interest you, and you will learn something in every video. Educational, entertaining, very easy to absorb. They are great.
In class we did not look into them a large amount, so I may not have much to say about them. To put it simply a mirror neuron, is a neuron that activates at the same time you observe someone doing something. Further more, the neuron that has activated due to observation, is the same neuron that would activate as if you were doing the action being observed.
From your brain's perspective, when you observe someone doing something it is no different from you doing the same. (from what I remember from the RSA Animate video...) This was first observed in a German laboratory, where a monkey had something attached to it's brain to monitor brain activity. It was doing something, what that something was I cannot remember, however a scientist walked into the room and opened a nut. I think the monkey may of been trying to open a nut. In the moment the scientist opened the nut, the monkey's brain acted as if it had just done so; even though the nut it was given was still unopened.
If you don't want the video to be spoiled a bit, skip this paragraph. What does this mean for humans though? Humans also have the mirror neurons that were observed in this German laboratory. When we observe someone doing something, we, in a way, experience that activity. This has been put in place to help human survival, and is the key to empathy. We, as humans, are not designed for violence necessarily, but rather to help eachother prosper. If you help someone, they will be happy and this is what makes you happy to help them.
The explanation of mirror neurons to me made so many things make sense suddenly. You know that warm fuzzy feeling you get from helping someone? Well if you don't, you should go help someone. That is your brain reciprocating the good feeling someone just got from being helped. What about being afraid when something horrific appears on television or in a movie? When you see someone get cut up on screen, your brain thinks it has just been cut up. It is easy to see that you have not actually been cut up, but the concept is still there. This can be dulled though, and it is possible to be desensitized as most of our society has become. This may even explain why so many are addicted to watching pornography. They are not addicted to the movie itself, but their brain enjoys the 'almost sex' it is experiencing by observing.
I'm sure it would be possible to express this over many other examples, such as cringing when you saw someone fall off a bike? I have fallen off many bikes, several times. I know it isn't pleasant. It isn't something I would enjoy watching, unless I can see it is not a bad fall. I know a simple slip that will put you off your wheels is not all that bad and if anything it is a good learning experience.
Mirror neurons are not limited only to physical actions. It is also tied to emotions. To combine these two ideas, what happens when you are walking through the street or a mall and you smile at someone? Or even better, they smile first towards you. Your first reaction may be to smile also. They are expressing they are happy and that is comforting to you. If people are around you who are happy, you are much more likely to cheer up if you are in a bad mood.
To go back to the '60's for a moment. Remember when hippies were out and about more? I don't, I wasn't alive then. I just know that being a hippy was more popular at the time and I enjoy using them for this example although it can still be applied to modern situations. Let say our hippy friend walks into a room. He or she may state that there's a 'good or bad vibe.'
An easier situation to relate to is walking into party. If everyone is up and having a good time, dancing, smiling, talking, the atmosphere of the party is great. If everyone is sitting down, sipping their drinks, not doing all that much, well the atmosphere may be not so friendly. You are likely to quickly blend into the emotion of the party. This is because your brain is reciprocating the emotions that are prominent around you. It's just like 'feeling the vibe.'
Lets stick to our first example and everyone is just chilling out and not having the greatest time doing so. Someone walks in who's already stoked and isn't afraid to express it. I can guarantee they will liven the party up.
Ever started crying because someone else was? This is becoming too easy, I'm thinking of more and more examples of this as I go further.
Now the notes on what we needed to write about relating to mirror neurons, ties into my previous post. What if you are in an environment where everyone was bored. They needed their constant stimulation and they just were not getting it. They are bored, lets go to a slightly more extreme of this. Lets say they are apathetic. I'm sure from my previous examples where this is going is easy.
Everyone around you is bored, apathetic, unmotivated. There for you are _____, _________, and ___________. I'll let you fill in the blanks.
Now to make this a bit more personal to my readers, I will present a personal challenge. I'm sure if I didn't state that, it would be much more powerful but I'm not worried about that. My English teacher said a strong ending must have one of a few aspects. Personalization is one of my favorites. I'm glad I get to type this in more of a blog style, rather than an essay format.
It is every one's responsibility to live as an example. Too bad you can't control everyone directly, so I guess you must keep this challenge to your own actions and hope others follow. Live how you would like others to do so and they are likely to follow. This may not apply to all areas of life, but be happy. You'll make others happy, which just like the helping-others-to-achieve-the-warm-and-fuzzy-feeling model, will make you happy. You'll smile, they will smile. Everyone is benefited out of you outstretching a helping hand.
I don't think I signed my last post. -- Bugworlds.
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