Thursday, January 20, 2011

Digital Media 2010/2011 Final Essay

Hello there world; I am sick, just in case you wanted to know. I might ramble a bit about it later. As for now, my Digital Media class has been assigned a final essay and after looking at the questions I thought this one should be shared with the world.

The questions we must answer are as follows:

  • What are your passions?

  • What is your personal philosophy in life?

  • What type of person do you want to become?

  • What does your future look like?

  • What do you think is needed to create a healthy, sustainable society for future generations?

  • What do you think is needed to motivate people to live passionately in the moment without Bordon or apathy?

What are my passions? To be honest, I am unable to tell. A passion is something you work towards perhaps. It is something you take pride in. It is something you are persistent about. It is a concept that you love. defines it as: Any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, such as love or hate. There are a few more interesting definitions, but that is the first. All of these aspects must be included for something to be a passion to an individual.

On a side note; the spacing system is being frustrating again and the spaces between my paragraphs may not be consistent.

What is something I am passionate about? There are so many topics, activities that I find interesting but few of them I put my full being towards. There are few activities that I go back to every day not out of habit, but out of desire to do so. I could go with the easy answer of my friends and Sleeping Beauty (In my mind she is in a different category than friends), which would be true, but this answer would have to be something almost everyone could use. There is no one who is apathetic about their friends and significant other, even if it may appear so. Humans are far too social creatures to completly cut themselves off from society. If it was possible, I would of probobly done so by now.

Not too long ago I may of answered this question rather naively. I would of jumped to activities that interested me such as speed cubbing. With some more examination I can say I am not passionate about this activity. I may go back to it often, but if I were to be passionate about it I would be going back to it every day. Some weeks I do, but within that I do not study every day. I do not push myself to learn more algorithms or new methods. I am casual about it all, as I am about almost everything.

I'm sure many people are passionate about school. I am not. I go every day, I do what I can to avoid missing school, I make sure I hand everything in finished and on time. I do not put my all into school though. I show up, I do my work, I leave. I do homework, I hand it in, and that is all. I could put more effort into almost every activity that is related to school. There is only one class that I can honestly say I have almost put all the effort I could into something.

I could be wrong with saying this, though I can honestly say there is an aspect of passion towards how I treat my Digital Media class. I'm sure my teacher will be quite amused with this statement, perhaps it may even bring him a smile. Because I have a very limited time to work in that class, I go to it every day and work through it all. The individuals who do nothing in that class annoy me. They are using up my broadband with their funny cat videos, because the "no more streaming anything" statement seemed to fall out of their consciousness after a week. I take pride in the work I do in that class, advertising it on my DeviantArt profile and showing it off to my peers.

What is my personal philosophy on life? Once again I will fall back to the 'I don't know' answer. I have considered this, I even wrote an essay on it last year for Digital Media. It's not that I don't have a philosophy, but I have a set of rules that I govern myself with. These may not all be conscious and they have not been put in place, just noted and observed though my own observations of my own actions. There are set ways I handle various situations. Everyone has these rules whether they are acknowledged or not.

Making note of them may mean very little to some, but I think it is an aspect of personal understanding that is needed. Once you have discovered them you cannot be ignorant to your discovery. If you present anyone with a situation, there will be an aspect of predictability in the way they react. This is testable if you don't believe me. Ask a friend who you know very well a question. Before you do so, think the question through, and consider how you think they may answer.

If I were asked to give these rules, I would not be able to. There are a few pointless things that I have made the decision to do so on a whim and stuck with, such as when I change the channel I always try to press the up button and avoid the down (sometimes looping through every channel is unavoidable), but on the most part I must be presented with the situation. I may not know how I will react, I may react differently than I say I will, but I know my actions are predictable.

The closest thought process that I know I have filtered into a philosophy relates to the concept of selfishness and selflessness. I am aware I am selfish, but I am also fairly selfless in some aspects. When asked to do something, generally I find myself doing what I was asked to do. I consider the reasonability of the request; is there any reason for me to not do so? The most common reason I may find will be the request is redundant or may cause me displeasure.

What type of person do I want to becomes? I am going to stay as I am, even if who I am now is dynamic. I will change, but natural change is not a bad thing. We are shaped by our environment, our peers, and what we observe in general. If you are to say you are going to stay the same for the rest of your life will need you to already have that mind set, and for you to be locked in a room where you are void of any influences.

I have no intention on forcing change onto myself. A forced change is almost always unnecessary, and will not be permanent. Your habits are shaped over time; to force a habit into place will quickly lead to your natural habits of overcoming this new action. Perhaps if you have the willpower and need to do so, this concept is possible. I think I would have the willpower to shape myself into some difference, but there is no desire to do so. I am who I am. You are who you are. We may boath change over time, and after a long length of time it could be observed that I am now you and you are now me... yet we are still ourselfs. I would have the characteristic of you, but I would still be me. You may have the characteristics of me, but you will still be you.

There are many answers that could fit this question such as ideals. Many want to be stronger, more wealthy, perhaps make a dramatic leap in personal being and attitude. Some may succeed in these, but only because they try to do so. Natural change can be positive or negative, but I have no intention on changing any other way. This reminds me of the question 'what do you want to be when you grow up?'

What do I want to be when I grow up? I want to be me, Bugworlds (for I generally avoid posting my real name on the Internet however still end up doing so occasionally), and no more or no less. I want to be alive, I want to have fun, I want to have a life that I view to be good.

What does my future look like? I would love to go off on a tangent about how I think the future and the past are the same; they are both time frames that are not in the current moment, the past is just observable and the future is unobservable. I also have a feeling this question isn't looking for my ideas on what time is.

I am quite unsure what my future holds. I can think of what I would like it to feature, but I am not able to quite tell what it will definitely hold. I suspect I may be in school or some form of education for some time longer, then simply be in the position where I have a job and I am living a simple, uninspiring life. I think my preferenced activities to pass time may shift a bit, but they will also stay the same in some aspects.

A running theme in my Digital Media and Psychology class this year has been living in the moment. I think it is a bit odd to ask what the future holds, assuming you are living in the moment. I am firm to believe I have found a state of living in the moment, with the future in mind but no worry about it. I want my future to unfold naturally, without a rigid concept and blueprint to follow. When I am asked about the future I do not think very far into the future. At the moment my mind jumps to post-secondary education, likely because going to a post-secondary education is becoming a personal reality to me.

What does my future look like? It looks like I get to go back to the 'I don't know' answer once again. I could reference to the essay I posted on my blog about where I think I will be in 2050 (I think that was the date given), which was posted some time after September 2010 for anyone who wants to find it in the fancy links to the left of my posts, however I am unable to expand on it.

As for the future in a more general sense; what is needed to create a healthy sustainable future for future generations? I think this is a bit of a utopian idea, for there to be a world wide balance. I also think this is the only way that this would be possible. Everyone must have the same value, everyone must have the same wealth, everyone must have the same living standards, same job standards, same environmental standards, same everything. Through equality in a system, one can find sustainability.

The alternative to all of this though, as unrealistic as it may be, I think would work just as well. A system that has all of these equalities and a way to govern it all. I've been reading 1984 in my English class, and this has made me realize the only way to have equality is a socialistic government. Even better than this would be a worldwide totalitarianism government.

I'm quite sure no one would enjoy the idea of this happening but it would create an equality amongst all peoples. I have no intention on encouraging this, or would I like to see this happen. I just want to bring up the point that the idea of a healthy, sustainable society is rather impossible. To have this perfectly is impossible at least. Perhaps we already have this, and it is just not balanced properly?

I know I live in a fairly healthy environment. I know my area is relatively sustainable even though we have so much imported into the local economy and not too much exported in comparison. It may be selfish to say, but I think this is all I need. I am aware there are individuals who live in areas with terrible living conditions and I know it would be a good thing for them to live in better conditions; but it does not affect me. The world is still in one piece on the most part, does this not mean our past has been sustainable? Even if it may not look like everything that is being done is positive, we have thrived and sustained ourselfs. Our natural resources may be depleted, but there are still some of them about. We could do something great for the future generations, but if we do not do so I will not be bothered.

And the final question revolving around motivation. What is needed to motivate people to live passionately in the moment without boredom or apathy? This will all just boil down to a case of living by example.

We are unable to directly affect people, we can only make attempts at doing so and hope our ideas spread a bit. I believe that living by example is much stronger than living with telling others how to live. If you are told you should be more kind to others, the thought may occur to you to try to do this. If you are surrounded by kind individuals I think it is difficult to not be kind.

All that is needed to motivate someones passion is for them to find a passion. Once you do this inspiration will not be needed to be found, it will just exist. As for boredom, that is a more-or-less a personal decision. It just takes the desire to do something, to do what is desired to be done. The same goes for apathy. If you wish to sit about all day with no motivation you may do so, I won't stop you even if I could, but life is so much better if you are living it.

If you are motivated, passionate, or inspired then you should not worry about others. Just keep living as you are and others will follow your example. It may take some time to sink in, but just keep up the good work. You're doing life right.


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