Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Slight Continuation

My law class got the joy of watching the rest of the video that I have mentioned in my previous post. I did physics work during this time, because I was really looking forward to having it finished so I may spend some time with Sleeping Beauty. Valentines Day and all. I got most of it done, and still managed to listen to most of the video. There were a few moments where I heard familiar names, such as the individual who the U.S. wants extradited to the U.S. so he can be charged for the sale of marijuana seeds.

Mark Emery was his name, if I am correct. The controversy comes in he has done no crime in the U.S. Far as I'm aware, the sale of marijuana seeds is legal in Canada; and if not is it tolerated at least. He has broken no law in the states, however the individuals who have bought the product by mail order may have. They should be charged, right?

If you buy a gun from the United States, through mail order (as these seeds are being bought), and this fire arm happens to be illegal in some way, the individual shipping it will not be charged. You, in Canada, will be charged for picking it up. The same goes for shipping over the boarder to the U.S. so why should Emery be charged? I'm sure this will last a while, but if he does get taken to the states and is charged he's going to have some sentence to deal with.

They consider one seed to be one plant, which is reasonable considering it may grow one plant. Many of them may not grow one plant, but many of them could also be cloned.

I recall there being two points that I mentioned in my previous post which may of not been very accurate, and now that I think of it the previous post I am mentioning occurred two posts ago. My most current previous is related to my comparative civilizations class. If you wish to read it, for the font ended up quite small, try IE. I'm on Firefox, at school, and the font appears very small when I view that post.

Now, the first point was something mentioned in the video but I cannot remember what it is. The second I wanted to note, was the price of marijuana. The video mentioned something about the price being more than gold, depending on the area (maybe?). When I looked up the price of gold, I found it to be more pound for pound. You can check the current price here, at GoldPrice.org, far as I'm aware it updates regularly.

Flex has started, and my free block has ended. The library just became too loud for me to be in and try to write at the same time; so I think I'm going to find a seat in the computer lab.


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