Friday, February 4, 2011

Eating In A Library

Today, I am in a library. Well, rather this block I am. All grade twelves in my school get a guaranteed free block if they ask for it so I figured it would be a nice thing to have. A chance to get some work done, and have a nap. We're only three days into the semester, but it's been great so far.

Most students use their free block for school work, only if they must do so. I'm sure I will get caught up into that but at the moment I plan on staying as I am, and doing work as I see fit. In a bit I'm going to go fetch my text books and do some Comparative Civilizations work, but for now I am tired and want to relax for a bit longer. Originaly I was intending on getting to school and falling asleep until the bell awoke me. My walk in the cold air, uphill woke me up.

It's not the fact that I was traveling against gravity that did this though, my town is on a slope. This means that there is a constant wind flowing downhill towards the ocean. It's nice during the summer, it's annoying during the winter.

My typing is makes a lot of sound on these keys, which is misfortunate considering I'm in a library. My friend, who I was not aware was present because he's at the computer opposite to me that is hiding behind a pillar, made note about my typing. I think there's a chance that is audible? Oh well, that is their loss. There are other quite places in the school to go.

As for the library, it's a fairly relaxed environment when the librarian is not chasing you out. She strongly dislikes the use of non-schoolwork related computer use; ex. Facebook, Youtube, anything that looks remotely like a game, and probably even this. The fact of the matter is though, she does not catch me ever. I pride myself in being aware of my environment and at the moment I know that she is checking over books manually because the book system decided to be a failure, or something like that. The problem was described to another student and I was within ear range.

One of the other few key rules of the library, apart from 'proper computer use' (I'm sure I could just say this is for my English class, so that I may become better at writing fluidly. Perhaps even Psychology if that class was still existent) relates to food. We might be aloud water bottles? I'm unsure on that. Personally I would never use a water bottle, there's just too much hype about chemicals in it, the mineral ppm is ridiculous, and over all it tastes terrible. I'm not going to pay the same amount of money I might for a liter of gas, on 750mL of water. Other than possibly water, nothing else is permitted for our consumption.

This is not going to stop anyone from eating. There's the few people who may venture to the door to quickly consume something, but most people just see it to be a challenge. I see nothing wrong with this either. It's the same for food in class. The reasons of why food is not permitted must be examined, and then annualized a bit.

In the library, it may be a bit obvious, but food and books just don't get a long. I can't say I've used the library for any books in the entire time I've been at this school. Over three years I have socialized, used the computers, and used this as a haven where it is quiet (when there are no keyboards being used loudly or people who want nothing more than to gossip loudly) haven. Over all it is meant to be a quiet place, though it often is not.

As for class rooms, the reason varies from teacher to teacher. Some teachers think food is a distraction, some see it to be the main causes of mess, other may argue garbage will be left behind. The explanation relating to distractions could be considered true, but I think the others will only cause you to consider how you consume it.

If the teacher does not want a mess, do not get caught eating and do not leave a mess. The same goes for garbage being left behind; don't get caught, don't leave your rapper on the ground. In the library so many will take note of where the librarian is and hold their food under the table when she walks about, only to turn around and take a bite of it. She must be aware this happens, but she cannot stop what she cannot observe.

There are a few, slightly more obscure reasons, why some teachers allow food in the class room. I always find it amusing when the excuse of, "it's unhealthy, but bottled water is okay" is brought up. One of my teachers will not permit soda in her class, but juice or water is fine. I'm sure tea or coffee may be acceptable too.

At the moment I have some tea cooling in my locker. It's probably going to be too cool when I get to it, but I don't mind the temperature. I put in in there, for travel mugs are open topped almost so I would not be able to bring it into the library, and upon getting to school I did not want the inconsiderate individuals who I may or may not of been around to try to take a very hot liquid out of my hands.

For you who did see me at the beginning of the day, I am not saying you are inconsiderate. I'm just stating there are several individuals who will try to take a beverage or a piece of food out of anyone's hands without asking for it. I bring food to school so I may consume it. I bring beverages to school so I may consume it. Call me greedy for bringing a larger amount of food than everyone else, it won't bother me. I'm going to eat it all, because I am going to be hungry.

With fifty minutes left, it's time to get ahead on Comparative Civilizations homework. I'm sure I'm already ahead of most individuals in my class, but not ahead of the paper we were given with our assignments and when they should be done.

Bugworlds =_=

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