I think I'll actually do some blogging by what many people consider it to be. Actually talking about my life. Hmm.. I'll start at school.
Every morning I am woken up, lay in bed for a bit longer than I should, hesitate more, get up just in time to get minimal food, and run to the bus. It's not the greatest plan but it works. My parents don't like my daily routine, but they don't yell too much so I have decided they may tolerate it or put more yelling into the waking me up process and not in the telling me I'm late.
After my speedy travel towards the bus stop, well it isn't always speedy. The bus goes along the street I walk so I know if I'm late it will just pick me up where I am, though I may as well walk towards the stop anyways. I get on the bus and take the first seat I can, put on my headphones and fiddle with my mp3 player. There is something wrong with the jack so I only get sound in my left headphone unless I find one of a couple sweat spots that will play both headphones. I've had my mp3 player since Christmas in grade seven, so almost five years. That's so much longer than any of my friends have held their electronics, I'm rather impressed with how long its lasted. I should get a new one if I can't fix the jack; I don't think I can. I don't think dirt is the problem because I tried to clean it with no effect.
After turning my music on and finding the spot where music will play in stereo I open my book. It's a bathroom reader, everyone questions me why I have it. Just because a book has a title does not mean I need to follow the title. It's a book full of facts, based around many scientific topics. I find it really interesting, even though it may be intended for use in a bathroom and a younger age than what I may be at. When ever I carry a book around (and I do so when I am at school almost always) it seems everyone wants to find out what it is also, even if they have done so. Sometimes I will have someone check what I'm carrying twice in a day. After I finish reading this there is a Psychology text book I am looking into reading though I'm afraid it may be too large to carry with me.
At school (assuming it is Monday) I will have Math first block. I don't like this class all that much, though I push through it. It isn't a required course and so many people question as to why I am taking it though I've enjoyed math in previous years. That has proven to change, and I am debating not taking calculus next year. I guess I'll see how I feel about math after going through Physics 12 next semester. I never want to do my Math homework though usually get it done. The teacher does not check if we did our homework because she believes we are old enough to do it if we feel we need to, because it's not for her. She doesn't assign the work for her own amusement. She suggests it so we can pass the exam at the end of the year. I should probably do tonight's work soon as I can to avoid having no idea what's happening tomorrow. I have it second block tomorrow, which isn't all that bad. I dislike having it first or last. If it's first I'm still slightly drowsy and would rather do something I enjoy. If it's last I just want to get the day over with.
From Math class I walk outside, up the first step of stairs, along the sidewalk that leads me to the main door, across the cafeteria, and into my Digital Media class. It isn't necessarily to walk outside but I enjoy it, it is slightly faster than walking through the school because the interior stairs are such a bottle neck it's ridiculous. Even the speed you can walk is slowed near the top or bottom if you are just passing by it because there are so many people surging through it.
Digital Media is my favorite class. It's great, I get to use Photoshop, take pictures, and do a bit of writing. Most of the writing is done out of class though, it can be found on my Posterous account. I don't feel like putting a link to it here; you can find a link yourself. Along with all of that the teacher shows various interesting things he has found on the Internet, often through Stumbleupon.com. We're encouraged to use Stumble in class every once and a while though I'm usually too busy using Photoshop. I'll often play music off youtube in the background, so that I can listen to what isn't on my mp3 player, not kill the battery of my mp3 player, and block out the people around me a bit. The individual who sits beside me (my other side is empty) spends most of his time pressing the Stumble button and is often very distracting. He's like many people who don't spend much time in class actually doing anything.
Digital Media is a class so many people take expecting it to be an easy class. I guess it is, you can't really fail it as long as you show up, but people treat it like a joke. It ruins the class for those who actually want to be there. I'm doing some amazing work in Photoshop but I need to fall back to teaching myself (mostly through tutorials) and through other people in the class because the teacher is held back by those who are in the class and don't do anything. A couple times I've gotten to teach the class something on Photoshop using a great projector. It's a lot of fun, though kind of nerve racking. I guess I still have a slight fear of public speaking but I think everyone does. It would never stop me from speaking in front of people, though I find I get warmer than I should be and stumble on my words more than I usually do when speaking in front of a class.
I was looking forward to showing the class something my girlfriend showed me in Photoshop. It's a great way of making lightning and other impressive light patterns and it's really easy to do. I know this because I was able to walk my mother through the process of making it. I might make my own brush pack of lightning pieces if I get the time and put it on dA. If you would like to see examples of what I'm talking about be sure to watch my dA account. I have the pictures uploaded, and just need to submit them. They will be up in less than six hours most likely, and if not in less than twenty four. I'm hoping for six.
On a side note, if you were to check my friends blog, LearnFuGu, you may run into a mention of Vortex-B. He's the awesome teacher who teaches my Digital Media class. I might put effort into using that name for reference to my teacher. I like it much better than 'digital media teacher.'
From Digital Media I will have lunch, well probably stay a minute or two later than everyone else because I don't want to leave. I would rather finish off my photoshop project at the moment then eat right away. That never lasts long and soon I pick up my lunch and log out. I'll usually go outside initially, and later go inside to see my friends who don't wish to be outside. I debate going back to the Digital Media lab every lunch, it's kind of ridiculous how much I enjoy that place. My lunch will consist of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich rapped in a reusable sandwich bag. It's blue, and everyone questions me what it is. The exterior is fabric, and the inside is plastic. It is made to fold around the bread and Velcro together. I will also consume two juice boxes, and two granola bars. Sometimes only one of each of these and a large Milk-2-Go, although at times I wish I could get two of those and a two juice boxes... and two granola bars. I may have a piece of fruit but won't eat that until the end of the day.
After lunch has passed Psychology class will call, and I will hope I will actually get work in the class. It may be odd sounding but I enjoy the work from that class. Most of it is reading and I find the reading really interesting. I know I've referenced to it here many times, and if not dirrectly I've written using information from it. I feel that too much of our time is spent watching videos and talking about them. I would like more harder learning perhaps. I'm not sure how to word that, but I would like more of a lecture style however Vortex-B understands that most people don't want that and they will learn better with more alternative styles. I learn well too like this, but I feel like there could be more learned.
When ever we get a sub in that class the attendance cuts in half and I debate skipping the class also. This is because I know we won't be doing anything really other than work we were given the day before; that I probably have done already. Today we had a sub though I stuck around to catch up on writing in that class and then read the booklet we were given the day before.
English class will be last, I will reach it through going right out my Psychology class and following the path outside or walking through the school past our theatre (yeah, my school is amazing. We have a theatre) and out a side door that's down a side hallway. It isn't used that much, but it is fairly quick and free from weather for most of the distance. My English class is in the first portable, so I dislike going to it when it is raining because I'm going to be carrying a book and I really dislike it when books get wet.
My English class isn't all too bad. We take notes, do a lot of group work, and don't get all that much homework. The notes are easy to follow usually and they are easy to write too. Often they will be printed out and we just need to fill in the blanks. The desks are set up so groups of four are easy to make, though your desk is not chosen by you. Every two weeks the teacher makes a new seating plan considering who works well with who, who wants to sit with who, and who is annoying. I usualy get away from the annoying people. It's nice. The group work is great, because usually it is easy to finish by yourself so working with three other people is a great help even if they aren't actually helping. That tends to happen a fair amount.
After English I go to my locker if I need to, though I usually don't need to. I will follow the hall, pass my locker, to the stairs and then to the main door that I went through to get to Digital Media second block. There are a few places outside I am likely to find friends to talk to until my bus arrives. My bus takes thirty minutes to drop off the first bunch of people and then come back to get me and five to ten other people (the second run is never full. Never.) but I don't mind. I actually enjoy the time to talk to people and socialize. When ever anyone takes my bus with me they complain how long it takes but I don't notice the time. It goes by without complaint, most likely because I'm use to the wait. Half an hour doesn't seem like a long time to me anyways, no matter what it's related to. I can do something for half an hour constantly. I tend to type my posts up over a time of half an hour to an hour I think, I should time myself sometime.
The bus ride home is just like going there, music and reading. Not much talking though I'm more likely to talk then. There are less people to talk to but always more interesting conversations. I find I'm much more likely to get motion sickness due to reading in a vehicle on the way home than on the way to school. I'm not sure why this is, but I often have to put my book down before I get to the bus stop. I'm sure after time I'll get better at this and my stomach will be more kind to me.
The rest of the day will vary a lot, but it will be described in a different post. There's a variety of video games, reading, homework, eating, sleeping, and a few other things I'm sure but I can't think of them. If not my day is a lot more bland than I think. I often end up going to a friends house, or more likely my girlfriends house after school.
I guess there will be something to look forward to read tomorrow, incase I have any daily readers. That's a funny thought.
~~ Bugworlds
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