I got the idea to see if my computer was able to play dvd's, and it does. I am in the process of watching sneek previews that are on the WALL E dvd. My sister was impressed with a new tinerkerbell movie comming out (tinkerbell and ...something about treasure that might be lost..) Anyways, I had made severl observations durring watching WALL E that I wanted to share to the world however my family don't like me talking durring movies.. Their loss. Now I'm almost through watching a sneek preview about some movie about a magic gourd that looks half decent. Now onto the actuel movie. I don't think I'll be able to put the exact times on things however I'll make notes on the things that I notice and wish to share..
Before reading this I would advise watching this movie, see if you notice these things? I've seen this movie twice (and the notes I am typing below are as I watch it for a fourth time).
There are a handfull of spoilers in here I"m sure.
- Oooh, found a nukelear powerplant of some sort when the planet's surface is first being shown
- How could there be more garbadge than buildings?
- It looks like almost all the garbage that is shown could be recycable
- WALL E must of gone beond original programming to know how to collect stuff, show an attachment to his bug friend
- B'nL logo is everywhere, stands for Buy'n Large
- Lots of money on the ground around the bank
- Holograpic signs are still on after several years, must be solar or wind powered. There were windmills shown at the begenning
- Another example of going beond original programing; the ability to adapt. Wall E (now just Wall E...I don't like the capitals) replaces a broken part with a part from a broken robot
- If the other Wall E units stopped working why didn't Wall E? Perhaps because he can adapt?
- B'nL seems to be everywhere. It could be a covernment related company?
- On the side of Wall E's shelter (has the logo on it) it says what Wall E stands for; Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth class.
- Customized shelter interior, made acording to Wall E's needs
- First iPod (of two that I know of) apearances. Wall E plays a VHS on a player that's hooked up to the iPod then places a magnafining screen infront of it in order to see the screen since it is so small
- Wall E shows a need for entertainment. An odd thing for a robot to need or want, another example of going beond intended programming?
- Awesoem, found a spork and a rubix cube. Wall E isn't sure how to classafy the spork. I recently learned how to solve a rubix cube =D Wall E also found a lighter, and it apears he has many of them. Lots of odd items that are of interest he has collected in his shelter.
- Wall E pirates the movie he's watching by recording part of it.
- The bug also seems to be atached to Walle E. I think it is a cockroach, and they don't really have relations with other species or others of their species (far as i know)
- The clouds are very dirty
- There's a storm of some sort, what is being blown around however? Apears to be dust or polution of some sort
- Some people need their morning coffee. Wall E needs his morning recharge
- Noise of recharge finishing sounds familar. It reminds me of a Windows or Mac sound.
- Wall E finds a keychain with a button. It locks or unlocks a car in the distance. Shouldn't the battery be dead by now?
- First time a fire extinguisher is shown
- Nice built in lazer
- A plant is found in an old refridgerator.. Why there? No sunlight for it. If there's one plant that looks so healthy shouldn't there be some others even if they arn't very healthy?
- Wall E reacts to lazer pointers just as a cat might. The writers probobly intended this.
- In one of the feilds of garbage you can see a beacon that would float in the water to show sailors at night there is shallow water there... I forget what they are called eactly...Oh yeah! bouy I think.
- The dust from the ship settles very quickly
- Second apearence of an iPod, well, perhaps not an exact apearance however. EVE was designed by the designor of iPods (saw that on TV)
- Why does the capsul need buttons to be pushed, shouldn't it be programed?
- Wall E demonstrates a learning ability by burrowing to get away from the rocket quickly this time, instead of running around as he did at first the first time.
- The raw EVE uses to scan reminds me of the holograpics keyboards that are projected onto flat surfaces and use motion sensors to detect what key you are pressing
- EVE broke the sound barrior as she (well the movie sudgests this robot is female and Wall E is male) flys around. As she flys around it shows a nice view of the desolate planet
- Why does EVE have what looks to be eyes, and blinks with them ect. For a robot that is not nessasary though they're used to demonstrate emotion I beleve. It's the same reason Wall E moves his eyes to portray emotion
- EVE blasts the cocroach and it apears to be a direct hit, however there is no damage done to the cockroach (however there is a crator in the ground). Cockroaches could survive a nucklear blast?
- The cockroach apears to tickle EVE. Eve would need a nerve stysme for this to be posible, or something similar. Fairly advanced technolodgy, however it could be similar to touch screans in things such as the iPod touche
- Wall E rolls over what apears to be leaves however they are cans or some other kind of mettal objects
- The automatic door works (delayed a bit) still like other things. Souldn't there be no electrisity?
- This B'nL logo is everywhere. Monopoly enough?
- I just noticed how Wall E uses his rollers to gain height ect.
- Wall E didn't need a solar recharge (or atleast it didn't show it) even though he made something durring the night and that would take up battery power
- EVE scans an old space shuttle that probobly would of been manned by humans. It was a capsole that would of been used just a few years ago (our time, not movie, for the movie is in the fuger) however it has the B'nL logo on it
- The elecro magnet didn't fry EVE's motherboard.
- EVE demonstrates anger or frustration by blowing up the ship.. That's some strong gun she has built into her arm. Three shots with her blaster dore it apart.
- The eyes are displaying a look of sadness or disapintment
- EVE tries several languages until Wall E replies to english. He apears to have a slight ability to speak however it is not very advantsed. EVE speaks english fairly well and proboly other languages. Why would this be needed with no humans on the earth?
- Wall E is not able to pernounce EVE. It comes out as EVE-A
- If Wall E was programed to hide durring the storms why was EVE not? Perhaps the knoledge to hide from storms is something that Wall E learned. Maybe the other Wall E robots did not and thats why they are broken?
- That cockroach likes that twinky, maybe they do last forever? Preservates are going to keep that bug's little body around for a long time.
- EVE shows a liking for entertainment with the bubblewrap
- Why does the light builb light up when EVE holds it but not Wall E? It could be because of the touch sensors. Some touch sensors use the slight electrical charge humans (and other animals) give off to know a human is touching it. Not just something rubbing against it or something. EVE could have an electrical feild.
- EVE solves the rubix cube, how does she know what it should look like?
- EVE dents the floor when trying to dance
- Wall E replaces his eye. Another example of self repair
- The extra eyes are beside the lighters. I don't remember seeing them the first time however they were probobly there. If not shame on you animators for not having a constant environment or what ever that term is
- EVE has a tractor field and uses it to take the plant. Then EVE goes into an inactive state. Perhaps as a way to protect the plant.
- Wall E tires to see if exposing EVE to the sun so that she can charge up.
- Wall E stops what he should be doing to wait around EVE
- It still snows in the future when the world is taken over by polution
- Jump start doesn't work. Walle is sent back by some sort of force. Perhaps EVE has a much stronger electrical charge or battery?
- Wall E plays pong. Each round lasts about 3 seconds, his score ends up being 2001 I beleive. 2001 points times three seconds is six thousand and three seconds, or 100 (rounded down) hours
- Flaps ontop of Wall E's eyes move as a way to demonstrate shock or being supprized
- The cockroach seems to understand Wall E's commands
Spell Check is going to have a fun time with all these E's
- B'nL logos on satalites that are evyerwhere around Earth. One that sticks to Wall E momantarily to Wall E mentions a B'nL.com...I am going to google that later if I can remember to do so.
- Lunar landing scene is shown on the moon, also a hologram add is there.
- The solar recharge is real quick when Wall E and the ship pass a star
- Wall E puts his hand into some space dust, I would think it would damage him but it doesn't
- The ships that haps the humans on it is named AXIOM. It also has the B'nL logo.
- The door to the bay (bay 02 it says on the door). It also says ARV and below that it says AXIOM Neturn (maybe I havn't read that word right, I've paused it on the best veiw I coudl get of it) Vehicle
- Wall E seems to pull into his body as a defence mechanisim. He's done it many times, and does it as he falls due ot gravity coming back on.
- The cleaning robots says something that sounds to be like,"Woah, woah woah woah woah"
- The lines on the floor dictate where the robots can go. Also they dictate where the floating seats the humans sit on can go. As long as the humans don't walk they are forced to stay along preset paths
- Soon as someone does not follow the lines (Wall E) chaoes breaks out with a chain reation car crash like event
- The humans apear to trust any roboat withought question
- Everyone using these holograpic displays to comunicate is perhaps an exaduration of todays everyone useing computers, cell phones, ect.
- A Buy'n Large is anounced over the PA System
- All the food is convintly in a shake form. Less work for the same amount of food
- Fasion is dictated by the B'nA adds
- There are holographic adds everywhere...I meen everwhere.. No matter where you are as long as it's a place where the residants of the ship go there are many many adds
- The palm trees are holograpic, and are protraed the same way the adds are
- There is a robot that seems to mimic a passive secratary
- No adds in the bridge or captains quorters
- Holograpic pictures of former captains. As time goes by they get fatter it apears. In every picture there is the robot stearing wheel. Who is controlling the ship, the captain or the wheel?
- The one thing that the captain gets to do on the ship is morning anouncements.
- The captain is able to change the time and conditions
- It is the 700th aniversary of the 5 year cruise. That's 3500 years in space. If they've been gone so long how have the things that still work on earth still work?
- Scratch that, only 700 years. I was wrong.. but still, as I said, how do the things such as the automatic doors work?
- No probes have come back positive with plant matter, though there had to been vegatation around the full time. Where was it hiding?
- Bone loss has happened due to lack of gravity. They got fat from doing nothing I would suppose.
- Captain doesn't know how to work a book with paper. Shows how little work he has had to do.
- Voice athorization is very versatile. It accepted the captains,"ughh'. Very advantsed stuff I would suppose. Don't most voice authorizations involve the need of an array of letters and sounds?
- How would Wall E know how to shake hands?
- Wall E's presents alerts the captain about earth ect and he learns much more about it.
- Forign markings (perhaps some sort of symbols from an asian culture) are on the door of the repair area. Why not english like everything else
- The defective robots seem to all have severe defects or none at all.
- Second time a fire extinguisher is shown is when EVE is getting repaired. A fire is put out to EVE's left (our right) with one
- The glass breaks easy, but shouldn't the glass door be made of something such as plexy glass or a renforced transparent plastic?
- The excaped defective robots seem to worship Wall E by carrying them on their shoulders.
- Every hologrphic sign turns into a warning sign quickly however it apeared that no one looks at them. They are too bussy looking at their holograpic screens
- The cleaning robot isn't very important though apears often
- The 'goufer' robot has stold the plant, it apears the robots have taken over and don't want the humans to go home.
- Why would an excape pod have a self destruct command?
- Third fire exstinguisher is found in the excape pod. Wall E uses is for perpaulsion, probobly remembering the effect it had in the first encounter with one. Dispite this he does study how to use it at first
- What kind of purpaultion does EVE have? She leaves a trail of blue rings
- A lot of foam comes out of the fine exstinguiser, shouldn't it of run out quickly?
- B'nL logo is even on the virtuel moon that is shown on the ceiling, that has the virutel sky on it.
- A marking on the wall looks similar to the Arti logo
- The towells have the name of the deck they are suppose to be on however no one has used the pool for a very long time it seems
- There's a robot lifeguard, but it short circuts when water is splashed on it. Not very pratical? The water doesn't seem to be very deap anyways.
- The directive of EVE to deleiver and protect the plant seems to override set rules. Going to earth seems to be a priority for EVE but not the other bots.
- The captain is supprized by what the earth has turned into. They live such a sheltered life.
- Apon seeing people walking in a video of earth the captain looks at his feet. The plant is in an old shoe. No one on the ship wears shoes. Is this perhaps because they never walk? I know I don't like wearing shoes even if I am walking however. Wearing socks or shoes seems to feel unnatrual to me.
- Many of the robots seem to imitate human like behavior. Not very Efficiant for a robot I think.
- The fosset the captain uses to get water for the plant seems kind of odd looking. Perhaps its the futureistic version of fossets?
- A113 has apeared in Auto (the robot wheel's name) eyes. Is it like order 66 in starwars, where the clones were told to kill the Jedi?
- Never mind, more is explained..
- Conviences is a theme of this movie. Everything in the future is made for the humans convience.
- The year is around 2810. People left earth (the last people) at 2110. That's one hundred and one years into the future from our time.
- The 'Goupher' robot has a self preservation ability perhaps, by delaying when threatened.. Though that could be not the case because it throws the plant away and that action could of lead to EVE destorying it
- The same zap that Wall E received when trying to kick start EVE is applied to him in a larger amount to nutralize him. Perhaps it is a defence or attack manouver?
- There's a pun in this.. There are computer mice who act like real mice or rats
- The garbage units in the garbage area are giant verions of Wall E but have the name WALL A on them. What's the A stand for?
- Wall E is claned however he does not apear to be very clean. A bit more than before but not much. He's also still rusted.
- EVE seems to be dirty now however the cleaning roboat does not clean EVE
- Many of the robots seem to be able to shake hands or wave.
- The babies have holographic things that hang abuve them and spin for their entertainemtn...what are they called again? Mobiles I think.
- The captain seems to be able to jump out of his chair fairly well dispite not activity for a long time.
- There's a diving board right over stairs that are under the water... bad idea? jump off a diving board onto stairs into the water, and the water seems to be shallow already.
- Why so many B'nL logos, it's clear the company that is incharge, so they don't have to remind everyone so much?
- Wouldn't everyone piling up in the corner kill them? They look kinda heavy, and all of them piling up could crush the ones at the bottom
- Wall E has gained his strength in order to push the thing that is trying to go down up... however he is still damaged.
- The captain is the first person to walk for a very long time. I'm supprized he didn't fall over due to not knowing how to walk.
- The cleaning robot identafies the plant becaues of its abilty to detect forign contaminats.
- If the hyperdrive aplied so much forse to the people shouldn't if of just graduely built up speed instead of going strait to full speed?
- The bug seems to remember Wall E and EVE though I didn't think cockroaches had the ability to remember?
- The things Wall E colleted are used to save him. Maybe it was programed for him to collect things in order to repair? However that would meen he would only collect pieces of brocken similar robots?
- After being repaired it apears his memory is not the same. He does not remember the cockroach (which apears to be indistructable) or his collection. Perhaps these things were things he learned or adapted to use that were not part of his originial program.
- What is the most used word in this movie? I think it is Wall E...
- Maybe the cockroach is the earth equivlant of the ship's cleaning robot?
- Finaly! A different company than Buy'n Large. On the side of a building there is the word PUMAHUL with three sidways ~'s abuve them. It may be a coffee company but it is on a large skyscrapper.
- In the credits it shows how humans learned simple things again such as fire making, well making, farming. It apears humanity has been reset to times that were many hundred, perhaps a few thousand years ago. The only difference is they are in a decayed urban setting and robots are present ot help them.
- In the credits also animals reapear. Where were they before when just Wall E was on earth?
- Animations in the credits resemble old style video games.
- Maybe what I have been calling a cockroach is a grass hopper, it apears it can jump fairly well.
- The animatios apear to be summarizing the movie a bit.
- Many of the first letters of titles in the credits have the red cricle around them such as the E in Wall E
- This movie was dedicated to Justin Write 1981 - 2008
- A company called Skywalker Sound helped somehow in this. I like that name..
- There movie that Wall E watches (and pirates part of) is from,"Hello, Dolly!" by Twentieth Century Fox
- Also there is credit giving to Atari (as I previously spelt Arti). Maybe that is why there was a marking that resembled their logo?
- To learn more about the creators of Wall E you can visit http://www.pixar.com/
- Lies! Tt says games avalible for your favorite game station at somwhere...however I don't think they got one for Ps1, my favorite game consol.
- After the credits there is another B'nL logo and it says B 'n L (not written, auido)...Hmm, Imust look into this. The B'nL logo is also on the menue.
I shall spell check this later! For it is now around 11pm, and there is a lot to go over.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
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